Breastfeeding During a Baby's Growth Spurt
selepas baca komen dari Kak Annie tentang Baby's Growth Spurt or dalam bahasa melayunya, Pecutan Pertumbuhan, aku menggooglekan diri utk cari info yang amat berguna ini..Thanx Kak Annie..:-)
Growth spurts are essential parts of physical maturation and they are developmental milestones. Also called "frequency days," growth spurts are inevitable in every baby. Still, breastfeeding mothers often become concerned that they have low milk supply during these times. It can be very confusing when a baby has been feeding and sleeping well and, all of a sudden, patterns reverse and the baby starts feeding all day long and is fussy.
How can you distinguish a true growth spurt from a decrease in milk supply? Before you start to worry, it's important to learn what is truly normal at this time in a baby's life.
What to Generally Expect at This Stage
During a growth spurt, a baby will suddenly begin to feed more frequently, perhaps for longer periods of time than she had been, and may be very fussy. Her sleep patterns may also become very erratic (sleeping much more or not sleeping at all). Generally, the major growth spurts occur at 2, 3, and 6 weeks, then 3 and 6 months. Of course, there will be other times where you might notice other frequency days, and this will actually continue into the teenage years.
Many mothers question whether their babies are feeding more because they're truly hungry or simply because they find the nipple soothing.
If you feel that your baby has had an excellent feed (you can hear gulping; your breast is much softer after having begun with a very full breast; your baby seems generally relaxed), here's what to do:
- Put her back to the breast, preferably the same one you just used. She might have nodded off before being completely finished nursing. (Sometimes it only takes another 5 minutes of a feeding for a baby to be fully satisfied.)
- Take a stroll. If you feel confident that the feeding was sufficient, try a walk around the block. Sometimes babies have a hard time settling in and, when they start to become fussy, most mothers think they're still hungry. The best test is to see what happens when you put her in the stroller or in a sling and go outside. If she falls asleep immediately (most babies do once they get into fresh air), she isn't really hungry. If she screams her way around the block, she is.
Memang rafiq tengah lasak sekarang ni. Dia nak mainn je keje. Minum kerap tapi sikit2. aku risaula takut2 dia tak kenyang. Hehe. Kadang2 tak sampai 5 minit dia minum dia dah lepas. Aku ni duk pikirla ingatkan susu aku makin kurang ka apa..uhuhu..
yang pasal lepas nyusu dan cepat nak tido tu..betul betul betul. If pegi shopping, dia sangat mudah untuk tido. Begitu juga dalam carseat dia..dia dpt tido dengan mudah..hehehhe..gud2...
Common Issues for Mom at This Stage
Quite often, moms feel anxious that their babies are feeding frequently and are fussy because they have a low milk supply. You can distinguish a true growth spurt from an issue with your milk supply by the duration of time this goes on. Growth spurts are temporary, often ending as fast as they began; low milk supply will stick around until you take measures to increase it.
Go with your baby's cues. Nurse frequently. If your breasts feel softer and not as full as they typically do, this is normal. Soft breasts does not equate to lost milk supply. If the baby is feeding frequently, he is teaching your body to produce more milk. Your body will respond accordingly. If your supply remains low, take measures to increase it immediately.
Langkah yg aku amek sekarang, Pam 3 kali kat ofis. dulu2 2 kali je..hehe..if pam 2 kali dptla 8 oz..if pam 3 kali..dpt 12 oz..alhamdulillah...:-)
During ngan rafiq, aku bagi susu sekerap yang mungkin. Dia isap main2..tapi yg aku terkejut sgt2 tu, even minum sekejap je..dia dah burrrrpp besar cam minum dalam 20 minit..betul la tu ek..makin besar baby kita, makin berkhasiat susu kita n minum sikit pon dah cukup mengenyangkan.
Common Issues for Baby at This Stage
Fussiness is the most noticeable issue. A mom's gut response is to feed because she knows that will have the most soothing effect. If the baby is fed frequently during this stage, the fussiness may subside. In addition, if sleep patterns are disrupted, the baby may be harder to relax or settle because she's overtired. It may seem like an endless cycle at a certain point, but stay calm and focused on giving the baby what she needs and this stage.
Waking Up A Sleepy Baby
Your baby may sleep a lot during the growth spurt, and this is normal. Waking a sleeping baby during this time is not recommended. Her little body is working very hard -- if she's sleeping, let her sleep.
Growth spurts can be frustrating and exhausting, but keep in mind that they are temporary and essential.
Ooo..baru aku tahu.. Ok2..pasni if rafiq tido ngan nyenyaknye, aku tamo kacau2 la.sian dia eh. Kang terbantut plak pembesaran dia. hehe. Patutla dia kerap tido. Cam pagi2, baru je terjaga, then dia mandikan, then nak tido lagi. Kadang2 ngamuk sbb nak tido sangat2 dah. tak sempat nak tek kan dia..Aku kdg2 risau sbb takut dia tak sihat ka apa..kui
tapi kan..mau tak nyenyak. Abis satu umah dia tawaf ngan walker dia. tu yang penat n tido nyenyak tuh!
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Banyak membaca n buat research laagi luas pemandangan..i like!
Kepada semua kwn2 blog yang komen kat posting sebelum ini...TERIMA KASIH daun keladi..aku amat2 hargainya...Muahhh muahhh utk kalians..:-)
Sweet lah pic tu rose.. leh kasi rafiq tgk dah besar nanti... ena x der pulak picture camtu mase bf dorg tu.. hu3x.. rugi rugi rugi.. eheheheh..
thanx for d info-x pyh susah2 bukak mr google, blog rose dah cukup, berkala pulak tu jd x lah sekali gus nk bc mcm2 info smpi kepale fening..;p ;D
bestnye dapat fully breastfeed baby.. saya hanya buat half je..
takpe ena, kang dah ade baby lagi amek gambor camtu puas2..insyaAllah..leh abadikan nanti..:-)
stok baru ade 5 oz..akan ditambah dari semasa ke semasa..thanx iena..:-)
heheheh..kelon eh
betul tu, kene byk membaca pasal benda ni baru kita akan tahu secara details. if tak, hanya tahu dari mulut ke mulut..
if nak tambah info lagi leh google. pas ni sara lak wat posting n kite baca n cedok..wekkeke
tula mimie..tak terbeli2 lagi.
satu lagi yg nursing wear tu dia cam ade shape..acik rose agak malu nak pakai baju ade shape..wekekke...
nursing cover ade, tapi rafiq dah tamo duk dalam tu. rimeh kot..heheh
thanx chugie..:-)
takpe chugie..janji dpt bfkan anak..half way pon sudah cukup bagus dari org lain yg hanya dpt susukan anak 2 minggu or ade yg takde langsung...
ibu muda yg mudah haru biru hidupnye..kuiikui
sama dgn budak berdua ni.. kalau bagi susu tu sekejap jer isap.. diorag tak nak lama2.. tapi nak isap kerap.. memang letih nak layan..
alhamdulillah, seronok baca your entry dan ramai yg dapat menfaatnya, memang banyak artikel and research pasal BF ni,nak pulak zaman internet.
Yg pelik dalam growth spurt dalam buku kurang ada sebut,akak pun terjumpa masa buat research.
Nursing wear ni banyak style, akak pun tak suka pakai yang ketat2 tu, tapi akak selalu pakai nursing shirt,macam tali spaghetti tu, lepas tu cover dgn blouse atau shirt kat luar.
Bila bawak baby mana2 pun mesti akak pakai sling kain, then nak menyusu senang aje, sambil jalan pun no problem.
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Teruskan usaha, seronok dgr Rose dah more relax :-)
baguslah kalau rose dah boleh express 3x/day kat ofis,satu yg akak experience utk tambah susu iaiu masa 1st feeding after balik kerja,since sehari x jumpa,susu biasanya byk,kan..?Jadi masa susukan baby,use your breastpump to express the other side,insyallah dpt dlm 3-4 oz dlm masa sekejap aje,yg ni jgn sia2kan sbb boleh guna utk build up ur supply.
Klu waktu siang nak express,cuba minum segelas air suam yg "dedar"atau pun panas sikit,just before you express ini akan menyenangkan milk flow ie lwt down reflex.
From experience and doctor's advice,tak perlu minum all these special milk for BF mum,akak dulu minum nak rak masa baby no2,lepas tu badan pun tak turun2,naik sembab ada.rupa2nya bila g check doctor suruh stop minum,katanya minum tu tak semesttinya susu byk tapi confirm akan menggemukkan si ibu sbb bila kita minum susu tu,lemak dibadan tak akan dibakar.Sungguh lepas tu serik,ni anak3 n 4 tak payah minum pun susu tu,cukup dgn air suam,alhamdulillah.
1 lagi yg akak found out,masa anak 1 rajin minum milo esp sebelum express kononnya nak tambah susu,mmglah nak express senang sikit tapi sebenrnya milo membuattkan badan ibu dan anak esp kalau anak allergy,jadi kembung and mudah rashes + sembab. Akak sekrg dah berhenti minum milo dah lebih 12 thn,mmg badan rasa lain,klu dulu perut mmg buncit angin n badan ada rasa berat,semua ni tak perasan sgt sampailah akak stop milo.Sebulan tu dah mula rasa badan ringan sikit(bukan kurus tapi kurang angin). Anak pun makin selesa.
Akak taklah category kurus,mmg dah lepas no 4 yg nak masuk se1thn ni,badan masih belum turun + bila menyusu badan akak tak mcm org lain..senang kurus, cuma taklah sembab mcm masa anak no 2 dulu.
Sekrg ni akak bykkan minum air suam,even hot tea pun ok,utk x bagi lapar sgt,selalu juga minum orgqnic soya (powder type)..tapi8 anak no 4 ni ada juga allergy soya so cannot excessive.
FYI,anak2 akak semua kena eczema esp masa baby sbb keturunan father dia kuat asthma,alhamdulillah dgn x minum milo + anmum dan seantero dgnnya,kurang sikit effect tu on them.
I dont know whether scientifically betul ke tidak,cuma berkongsi pengalaman dan nasihat doctor.
Syukur sgt kan rose anak kita dapat nyusu badan dan selagi ada "rezeki" dari Allah ini, kita teruskan beri pada yg berhak...insya'Allah if we set our mind, susu akan cukup utk anak kita sehingga 2 tahun :)
thanx to u kak annie..
ooo..susu n milo sebabkan anak pon terkenala kan..
last week kami ke klinik sbb badan rafiq naik rashes..upenye dia kene excema..
if susu n milo leh sebabkan byk benda tak ok..camno eh..takpela..kenela lebih byk pantang pas ni..
thanx kak..ilmu yg akak bagi ni sy sgt2 hargai..:-)
terharunya..sob sob sob...
yes..go go
ye intan.sonok tgk anak memebesar bagai juara ngan susu kita sendiri..:-)
amin..semoga dptla 2 tahun kan..:-)
betul tu uda..byk benda kene belajar lagi.
if kerap nyusu tu yg jd penat nak melayan tu..uhuhuhu...
sama2la kita nyusukan anak kita ngan susu kita sendiri k..caiyok!
ye lily..risau..
eh, sebaya la kita ye..tahun ni genap 30 tahun..eeehhehe
anak ni bila makin membesar mmg akan makin aktif n dia akan kurang mkn menyusu sebab nak main jer..
bestnya dah leh fully bfeed sampai 8 bulan. wafi baru 3 bulan..harap2 la siti pun leh fully bfeed sampai wafi 2 tahun.